- AirSeal

The AirSeal iFS is the world’s first "3 in 1" insufflation management system and features unmatched capabilities in providing a stable pneumoperitoneum, constant smoke evacuation, and the ability to operate at lower intra-abdominal pressures.
Low Pressure Laparoscopy
Data shows that low pressure laparoscopy was previously difficult to accomplish due to the limitations associated with conventional insufflation. The AirSeal System's unique ability to maintain pneumoperitoneum and constantly remove smoke enables surgeons to operate at lower pressure without compromising exposure.
By providing stable pneumoperitoneum, constant smoke evacuation, and valve-free access to the abdominal cavity, the AirSeal System has been demonstrated to reduce procedural time, resulting in increased operating efficiency.
AirSeal Mode
Use with a Tri-Lumen Filtered Tube Set for the following benefits:
- Optimizes gas flow to provide stable pneumoperitoneum
- Facilitates smoke evacuation and filtration with 0.01µ ULPA filter
- Provides the ability to operate at lower intra-abdominal pressures
Smoke Evacuation Mode
Use with a Bifurcated, Dual-Lumen Filtered Tube Set. This provides high flow insufflation and facilitates smoke evacuation and filtration with 0.01µ ULPA filter.
Standard Insufflation Mode
Use with a Single-Lumen Filtered Tube Set for high flow insufflation.